Gynecologic Cancer Clinical Trials and Research

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Clinical Trials Questions?


Researchers in the Gynecologic Oncology Program are exploring gynecologic cancers from a wide variety of scientific angles – from discoveries about the genes that cause tumors to develop and grow, to investigations of novel therapies including targeted drugs and immunotherapies, to studies of ways drugs can be combined to fight recurrent cancer.

Our team is working with basic scientists to look at new ways to fight gynecologic cancers through laboratory studies, creating laboratory models to study cancer resistance, and researching how to exploit DNA repair defects. Our team is focused on the development of new treatments for specific subtypes of gynecologic cancers, as well as methods for early detection of ovarian cancer.

Clinical Trials

We base our treatments on the latest scientific findings and offer our patients the opportunity to participate in clinical trials of promising new treatments. Our clinical trial program is one of the largest and most active in the country, with more than 20 open studies.

Featured Clinical Trials

Ovarian Cancer Clinical Trials

Find other trials for ovarian cancer

Endometrial Cancer Clinical Trials

Find other trials for endometrial cancer