PEG Removal

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New Patient Appointments

For adults: 877-442-3324
For children: 888-733-4662


What happens during the PEG removal procedure?

  • The doctor will explain the procedure and have you sign a consent form.
  • You will be lying on your back with your abdomen exposed.
  • The skin around your PEG will be cleaned with a betadine solution; this will leave an orange stain on your skin for the next couple of days.
  • A small amount of local anesthetic is injected into the skin around your PEG; this will help to decrease the discomfort when the PEG is removed as well as to prevent bleeding.
  • After the PEG is removed by the doctor or nurse practitioner, silver nitrate is applied to the area in order to help stop bleeding. This can leave black-brown spots on the dressing.
  • Finally, the area is covered with a tight dressing.

When can your PEG be removed?

Your PEG can be removed when you are able to keep your weight stable for at least three weeks without using your tube.

What You Should Do After Your PEG Is Removed

  • It is very important to change the dressing daily and keep the dressing dry for five days.
  • You may shower 24 hours after the tube is removed. While showering, please avoid direct water pressure to the site for five to seven days. After showering, apply a fresh, dry dressing.

What You Should Not Do After Your PEG Is Removed

  • Do not apply Bacitracin, Neosporin, hydrogen peroxide or any other cleanser/ointment to the area. Clean site with warm water.
  • To prevent infection, do not bathe in a bathtub, sit in a jacuzzi or hot tub, or swim for at least two weeks;
  • Do not do exercise that puts extra pressure on your stomach (such as shoveling) for at least a week; no bending over, no sit-ups or heavy lifting.

You Should Contact Your Healthcare Provider If You Have:

  • A fever of 100.4 or above
  • Increased tenderness, redness or drainage at the site
  • Unusual drainage from the site (a mild amount of drainage is normal for the first 48-72 hours)