
Assess Your Risk: Resources and Tools to Help You Take Charge of Your Health

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This tool is designed to help you learn more about your personal risk for breast and ovarian cancers.

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This tool is designed to help you learn more about your personal risk for breast and ovarian cancers.

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No one wants to think about cancer. Fortunately, we are learning new ways to prevent, find, and treat cancer every day. Explore our resources below to learn more about breast and ovarian cancer, to find strategies to reduce your risk, and to find preventive care providers near you. For more information on your personal risk of breast and ovarian cancer, talk to your doctor and take our quiz.

About Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Basics: Signs, Symptoms, and Screening

Breast Cancer Resources and Programs at Dana-Farber

Mammography Van
Dana-Farber's Mammography Van is the only mobile digital mammography program in Massachusetts. In partnership with community-based organizations and neighborhood health centers, we provide screening mammograms and breast health education to women 40 years of age and older.

Mammography Suite at Whittier
Dana-Farber's Mammography Suite at Whittier Street Health Center was established in 2013 to reduce structural barriers to breast cancer screening. A Dana-Farber cancer care team — including skilled, licensed mammography technologists, program coordinators, and breast health educators — provides culturally and linguistically competent care to connect low-income, elderly, and medically underserved populations.

Breast Oncology Program
Ending breast cancer is the reason the Breast Oncology Program exists — everything we do is tailored to the unique needs of people with breast cancer. Our team includes breast cancer surgeons, medical oncologists, and radiation oncologists who have pioneered the most effective techniques in breast cancer treatment.

Young and Strong Program for Young Adults with Breast Cancer
A cancer diagnosis is life-altering for most people, but young adults with breast cancer often face unique challenges due to their age and stage of life. Established in 2005 and embedded in Dana-Farber's Susan F. Smith Center for Women’s Cancers, Young and Strong provides comprehensive care and support to young adults confronting the challenges of living with and beyond breast cancer. 

Young and Strong’s mission is to provide expert medical care as well as social, emotional, and educational support to facilitate optimal treatment, supportive care, and groundbreaking research and education focused on the unique issues facing young adults and their loved ones, throughout the cancer care trajectory.
Learn more about care through the Young and Strong Program by visiting their webpage.

Breast Cancer Personalized Risk Assessment, Education and Prevention Program (B-PREP)
B-PREP at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) enables women and men of all ages, including those with or without a family history of cancer, to take charge of their breast health. If you are concerned that you are at-risk for breast cancer and would like an in-depth evaluation by our breast cancer specialists in the B-PREP Program, learn more and make an appointment.

Don't live near Dana-Farber? Find resources near you further down on this page.

About Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cancer Basics: Signs, Symptoms, and Screening

Ovarian Cancer Resources and Programs at Dana-Farber

Gynecologic Oncology Program
Dana-Farber's Gynecologic Oncology Program is one of the world's leading centers for cancer treatment and research. We provide expert, compassionate care for women with gynecologic cancers, and we offer diagnostic tests and advanced therapies based on the most up-to-date scientific findings, including the latest clinical trials.

About Genetics, Risk and Prevention

Genetics Basics: Testing, Risk Factors, and More

Genetics Resources and Programs at Dana-Farber

Center for Cancer Genetics and Prevention
The Center for Cancer Genetics and Prevention at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute provides expert comprehensive care for cancer patients, survivors, and families who have had cancer, for their family members, and for individuals who hope to avoid cancer. If you or your doctor thinks that you are at increased risk of developing cancer or may have an inherited risk of cancer, we can provide an estimate of your risk as accurately as possible, and work with you and your health care team to provide strategies to help lower your cancer risk.

Center for BRCA and Related Genes
Mutations in BRCA1BRCA2, and BRCA-related genes confer increased risk of certain cancers when inherited. These mutations can also be acquired by the cancers themselves. The Mellen and Eisenson Family Center for BRCA and Related Genes provides comprehensive care for patients with inherited and acquired mutations, including clinical therapeutic trials, trials of risk-reducing strategies, and studies of novel early detection markers.

More Resources Near You

These programs are not affiliated with Dana-Farber.

Find a Screening Program Near You
CDC's National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) provides breast and cervical cancer screenings and diagnostic services to women who have low incomes and are uninsured or underinsured.

Find A Genetic Counselor
The National Society of Genetic Counselors advances the various roles of genetic counselors in health care by fostering education, research, and public policy to ensure the availability of quality genetic services.

Find a Genetic Clinic
The "Find a Genetics Clinic" of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) allows individuals to search for genetics clinics across the United States. The directory contains the locations of genetics clinics that have requested to be listed.

Search the LGBTQ+ Healthcare Directory
The LGBTQ+ Healthcare Directory is a free, searchable database of all kinds of doctors, medical professionals, and healthcare providers who are knowledgeable and sensitive to the unique health needs of LGBTQ+ people in the United States and Canada.