American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting

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Dana-Farber Cancer Institute physicians and scientists share advances and insights in understanding and treating blood cancers and blood disorders at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH).

Dana-Farber at ASH 2024

View presentations and information shared by Dana-Farber physician-scientists at ASH 2024.

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    Follow our hematologic malignancies faculty on X, formerly known as Twitter, during ASH meetings and throughout the year.

    Suneet Agarwal Lab; Bone marrow failure, telomere biology; @agarwal_lab

    Natasha Archer, MD; Pediatric sickle cell disease; @NatashaArcherMD

    Scott Armstrong, MD, PhD; Pediatric hematology/oncology; @armstrong_dfci

    Daniel Bauer, MD, PhD; Pediatric hematology; @danielevanbauer

    Kira Bona, MD, MPH; Pediatric hematology/oncology; @DrHealthEquity

    Monique Hartley Brown, MD, MMSc; Multiple myeloma; @DrMHB1

    Alanna Church, MD; Pediatric pathology; @AlannaChurch_MD

    Jean Connors, MD; Hematology; @connors_md

    Jennifer Crombie, MD; Lymphoma; @JenCrombieMD

    Stacy E. Croteau, MD, MMS; Pediatric hemophilia, von Willebrand disease; @CroteauMD

    Corey Cutler, MD, MPH; Stem cell transplant; @DrCCutler

    Matthew Davids, MD, MMSc; CLL; @DrMDavids

    Habib El-Khoury, MD; Multiple myeloma; @HabibElKhoury

    Erica Esrick, MD; Pediatric hematology/oncology; @ericaesrick

    Angela M. Feraco, MD, MMSc; Pediatric hematology/oncology; @angelamferaco

    Irene Ghobrial, MD; Multiple myeloma; @Irene Ghobrial

    Irene Ghobrial Lab; Hematologic malignancies and their precursor conditions; @LabGhobrial

    Christopher Gibson, MD, PhD; Stem cell transplant; @c_j_gibson

    Alejandro Gutierrez, MD; Pediatric hematologic malignancies; @theaglab

    Matthew Heeney, MD; Pediatric sickle cell disease; @DrHeeney

    Leslie S. Kean, MD, PhD; Pediatric stem cell transplant; @KeanMD

    Amar Kelkar, MD; Stem cell transplantation; @amarkelkar

    Riten Kumar, MD, MSc; Pediatric hematology/oncology; @kumar_riten

    Ann LaCasce, MD; Lymphoma; @DrLaCasce

    Andrew Lane, MD, PhD; BPDCN; @lane_andy

    Anthony Letai, MD, PhD; Cell apoptosis; @DrTonyLetai

    Coleman Lindsley, MD, PhD; Bone marrow failure, MDS, leukemia; @ColemanLindsley

    Marlise Luskin, MD, MSCE; Adult leukemia; @LuskinMarlise

    Jonathan Marron, MD, MPH; Pediatric oncology, ethics; @JonMarronMD

    Shonali Midha, MD; Multiple myeloma; @ShoMidha

    Constantine Mitsiades Lab; Multiple myeloma; @CMitsiadesLab

    Clifton Mo, MD; Multiple myeloma; @CliftonCraigMo

    Ann Mullally Lab; MPN and myeloid malignancies; @MullallyLab

    Nikhil Munshi, MD; Multiple myeloma; @MunshiNc

    Omar Nadeem, MD; Multiple myeloma; @OmarNadeemMD

    Oreofe Odejide, MD, MPH; Lymphoma, quality of life; @OdejideOreofe

    Erin Parry, MD, PhD; CLL and lymphoma; @ErinMParry

    Yana Pikman, MD; Pediatric hematology/oncology; @PikmanYana

    Romanos Sklavenitis Pistofidis, MD; Multiple myeloma and Waldenström's macroglobulinemia; @romanosSP

    Christopher Reilly, MD; Adult leukemia, Bone marrow failures; @Chris_R_Reilly

    Rizwan Romee, MD; Stem cell transplant, Cellular therapies; @romeerizwan

    Grant Rowe, MD, PhD; Pediatric hematology/oncology; @bloodandtime1

    Chase Samsel, MD; Pediatric oncology; @ChaseSamsel

    Vijay Sankaran, MD, PhD; Pediatric hematology/oncology; @bloodgenes

    Roman Shapiro, MD; Cellular therapies; @Roma_Shap

    Eric Smith, MD, PhD; Cellular therapies, Multiple myeloma; @ESmithMDPhD

    Adam Sperling, MD, PhD; Multiple myeloma, Clonal hematopoiesis; @adamssperling

    Kimberly Stegmaier, MD; Pediatric oncology; @KStegmaier_DFCI

    Zuzana Tothova Lab; Myeloid malignancies; @TothovaLab

    Christina Ullrich, MD, MPH; Pediatric palliative care and stem cell transplant; @CKUllrichMD

    Loren D. Walensky, MD, PhD; Pediatric hematology/oncology; @LorenWalensky

    Lachelle Dawn Weeks, MD; Adult leukemia; @Lachelle_Dawn

    Leonard Zon, MD; Stem cell research; @leonard_zon

    Dana-Farber at ASH 2021

    Key Abstracts

    From the Newsroom

    ASH Awards for Dana-Farber Faculty

    Donna Neuberg, ScD
    Exemplary Service Award

    Margaret Shipp, MD
    Ernest Beutler Prize and Lecture