The Friends' Corner Gift Shop at Dana-Farber

Gift Shop


Hours of Operation
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The Friends' Corner Gift Shop, located on Smith 305, offers a wide selection of unique gifts and everyday items for patients, families, and staff.

The Friends of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, a volunteer organization that supports research and patient care at the Institute, established the gift shop nearly 45 years ago. Volunteers continue to staff the shop on a daily basis.

Since the shop opened its doors in 1977, tens of thousands of dollars in proceeds have been raised to fund Friends-sponsored programs in research and patient care at Dana-Farber.

But the real bottom line is providing service and hospitality to the Institute's patients, families, and staff.

At the gift shop, you will find:

  • Dana-Farber logo merchandise
  • Candy, snacks, and beverages
  • Jewelry and accessories
  • Toys, games, and puzzles
  • Greeting cards and stationery
  • Books and magazines
  • Boston and sports fan merchandise
  • Host gifts
  • Essentials and toiletries

We gladly accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, as well as Apple Pay and the Dana-Farber Care Card.

We are always looking for new products and ideas to better serve our diverse group of customers. If you have any suggestions or comments to improve our services please let us know via email:

Please visit our shop online at