Clinical Trials

About Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are scientific studies in which new treatments – drugs, diagnostic procedures, and other therapies – are tested in patients to determine if they are safe and effective.

Such trials help scientists answer questions about new cancer therapies, including: what diseases should they be used for? What doses of new drugs are most effective? And which patients can benefit the most from them?

Nearly all cancer drugs in use today were tested and made available to patients through clinical trials.

National Clinical Trials

Search a registry of federally and privately supported clinical trials conducted in the United States and around the world.

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Dana-Farber Clinical Trials

Search clinical trials for adult and pediatric cancers and blood disorders offered through Dana-Farber and our clinical partners.

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Clinical Trials Questions?


Clinical Trials Resources at Dana-Farber’s Longwood Campus

Take a virtual tour of Dana-Farber’s Longwood Medical Area campus, and learn about the assets available and our means for conducting clinical trials through our research collaborations, departments, and facilities. View the many spaces and resources where our expert faculty and staff take care of our patients, conduct ground-breaking research, oversee our research operations, and guide the Institute forward.


AAHRPP Accreditation

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's human research protection program is committed to excellence and has achieved full accreditation from the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc.