Frequently Asked Questions About Gelb Center Services
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the Gelb Center supply both normal tissue and tumor specimens?
Yes, we supply normal tissue specimens to correlate with tumor specimens from the same subject when available.
Does the Gelb Center supply metastatic tumor specimens?
No, metastatic tumor specimens are not currently available.
Does the Gelb Center supply blood specimens from healthy individuals?
No, blood specimens from healthy individuals are not available at the Gelb Center.
Have the individuals from whom biospecimens are obtained provided consent for the distribution of the samples?
Yes, all specimens are collected, processed and handled as per our clinical / specimen banking protocols that are approved by our IRB.
Where can I find a catalog or price list for biospecimens available from the Gelb Center?
Individual requests are received from investigators and potential collaborators. As each request entails specific requirements, we are unable to provide a comprehensive pricing list or catalog. The Gelb Center assesses each request for investigator's needs and biospecimen availability and each request receives a personalized response from a Gelb Center professional that includes availability and pricing.
What is your Quality Assurance system and how do you guarantee biospecimen quality?
Pathology and quality assessments are performed by our pathologists and staffs, and the Gelb Center guarantees that all biospecimens are accurately characterized.
Does the Gelb Center require a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) or Data Use Agreement (DUA)?
MTAs or DUAs are required for non-DF/HCC investigators. If a MTA/DUA is required, the Gelb Center will facilitate the process with Office of Research and Technology Ventures in an expedient manner.
Do you provide primary cell lines derived from human tissues?
No, the Gelb Center currently does not supply primary cancer cell lines that are derived from human tissue.
Do you have more questions for us at the Gelb Center? Contact us at