Head and Neck Cancer Treatment Center Leadership
Robert I. Haddad, MD, Chief, Division of Head and Neck Oncology
Jonathan D. Schoenfeld, MD, MPhil, MPH, Director, Head and Neck Radiation Oncology
Ravindra Uppaluri, MD, PhD, Director, Head and Neck Surgical Oncology
Jeffrey P. Guenette, MD, MPH, Director, Head and Neck Imaging and Interventions
Matthew N. DeSalvo, MD
Thomas F. Flood, MD, PhD
Marcela Marsiglia, MD, PhD
Dentistry and Oral Medicine
Herve Sroussi, DMD, PhD
Nathaniel Treister, DMD, DMSc
Piamkamon Vacharotayangul, DDS, PhD
Sook-Bin Woo, DMD, MMSc
Endocrinology/ Oncology
Theodora Pappa , MD, PhD
Advanced Practice Providers
Jason Glass, ACNP-BC
Rhondine King, BSN, MSN, NP-C, FNP
Eugenia Liacopolus, NP
Lindsay Margolis, NP, FNP-BC
Katherine Melvin, PA-C
Brenna Newfell, MSN, FNP-BC
Mahala St Paul, AGNP-C
Oncology Nurse Navigators
Tura Coombs, RN, BSN
Michelle Flynn, RN
Kathleen Lynch, MSN, RN, OCN
Michelle Mullin, RN, BSN
Clinical Research Nurses
Kathy Gale, BSN, RN, CPAN
Nick Quinn, BSN, RN
Speech and Swallow Pathology
Elaine Burke, MS, CCC-SLP
Lorraine Downey-Cuddy, MS, CCC-SLP
Lindsey Gordon, MS, CCC-SLP
Stacey McCauley, MS, CCC-SLP
Douglas Roth, MM, MA, CCC-SLP
Social Work
Nancy Crehan, MSW, LICSW
Alexis Giacco, MSW, LICSW
Nutrition Services
Meet Our Team