Dana-Farber's team of breast cancer experts is dedicated to improving the care of male breast cancer. Our physician scientists are engaged in multiple research studies to better understand the needs of men with breast cancer.
In addition, we offer our breast cancer patients access to more than 40 breast cancer clinical trials at a time, many of which are available to men.
Published Study Results for Male Breast Cancer
Our team has published many findings related to breast cancer in men, including:
Management of Male Breast Cancer: ASCO Guideline: These are recommendations for the treatment of male breast cancer put together by a panel of experts, including researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
Prognostic significance of tumor subtypes in male breast cancer: a population-based study: This study was the first to describe the prognosis of each type of breast cancer that occurs in men. It illustrates that the different types of breast cancer in men have very different prognoses.
Locoregional treatment and overall survival of men with T1a, b, cN0M0 breast cancer: A population-based study: The current standard surgery for most men with breast cancer is a total mastectomy. However, this study showed that in men with small breast cancers, lumpectomy (which is a smaller surgery) can be an effective alternative to total mastectomy.
Prognostic factors in male breast cancer: a population-based study: This study evaluated several factors associated with prognosis in men with breast cancer in the modern era.
Overall Survival of Men and Women with Breast Cancer According to Tumor Subtype: A Population-based Study: This study evaluated overall survival of men compared with women with breast cancer. The study compared survival of men and women by each specific type of breast cancer, allowing for a more appropriate comparison.
Efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in male breast cancer compared with female breast cancer: A National Cancer Database study: In women with certain types of breast cancer, chemotherapy before surgery is often recommended. This study was the first to evaluate the efficacy of chemotherapy before surgery for each type of breast cancer in men and compared the results with the efficacy we see in women.
The prognostic significance of metastatic pattern in stage IV male breast cancer at initial diagnosis: a population-based study: This study evaluated the prognosis of men with metastatic breast cancer, comparing different sites of metastases.
Tumor subtypes and survival in male breast cancer: This large study of men with breast cancer evaluated the impact of tumor subtypes on overall survival and on breast cancer-specific survival. The study showed some of the important differences among the various tumor subtypes.