Eating Well During Cancer
This video series and resource toolkit explores how diet can help support your health and well-being during and after cancer treatment.

The Cancer-Nutrition Link
Good nutrition is part of a healthy lifestyle, along with exercise, weight management, not smoking, and reducing stress. Research suggests that these healthy lifestyle practices play a part in disease prevention, including the prevention of some types of cancer.

Why a Balanced, Plant-Based Diet Is Good for Your Health
Studies continue to support a link between obesity and increased risk for certain cancers. Eating a healthy, plant-based, balanced diet can not only help you manage your weight, but may also help reduce your risk for developing certain cancers, while supporting your immune system, helping you feel well during treatment, and promoting healthy survivorship.

Managing Symptoms During Chemotherapy Treatment
Finding nutritious foods that taste good while experiencing chemo-related side effects may present challenges. But there are many ways to keep your body healthy and your immune system supported through eating certain foods during treatment. (Includes video demonstration on making your own fresh juice)

How to Lose Weight after Cancer Treatment
It's not uncommon to gain weight during or after cancer treatment. Weight gain may be a result of a combination of factors, including disease- or treatment-induced hormonal effects or changes. But unwanted weight gain can be managed, and even reversed, by following some simple, healthy eating and activity guidelines. (Includes video demonstration on making a turkey wrap)

How to Gain Weight after Cancer Treatment
When going through cancer treatment, it's common to experience a loss of appetite, taste changes, or other symptoms that make it difficult or less desirable to eat. Some people find that they lose weight as a result of their particular cancer or treatments and are concerned about how to gain it back. Learn about steps you can take to prevent excess weight loss and promote healthy weight gain during and after cancer treatment. (Includes video demonstration on making a smoothie)

Vitamins and Supplements: The Benefits of Food First
Vitamins and supplements are a big area of conversation, controversy, and research. When considering ways to ensure that you are getting the nutrients you need for optimal health, it's important to think about the benefits of "food first."
New Patient Appointments
For adults: 877-442-3324
For children: 888-733-4662
Nutrition Resources

Nutrition Services
Our nutrition experts help patients follow a healthy diet during and after cancer treatment. Learn about our nutrition services, including meal planning.

Meet Our Nutritionists
Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center has one of the largest outpatient oncology nutrition departments in the United States. Our team is a diverse set of professionals, each with a specialized area of expertise.

Delicious and Nutritious Recipes
Our recipes are developed by Dana-Farber's staff of registered and board-certified dieticians. They feature a varied selection of dishes – including a few sweet treats you don't need to feel guilty about.